Ceramic fiber insulation for heating furnace 2

Ceramic fiber insulation for heating furnace 2

CCEWOOL ceramic fiber insulation has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, oxidation resistance, low thermal conductivity, good flexibility, corrosion resistance, small heat capacity and sound insulation. The following continues to introduce the application of ceramic fiber insulation in heating furnace:


(4) When the furnace roof anchors are arranged in a rectangle, their spacing should not exceed the following regulations: blanket width 305mm×150mm×230mm.
When the furnace wall anchors are arranged in a rectangle, their spacing should not exceed the following regulations: blanket width 610mm×230mm×305mm.
The metal anchors that are not covered by the furnace tube should be completely covered by ceramic fiber insulation top cover or protected by a ceramic cup filled with ceramic fiber bulk.
(5) When the flue gas velocity does not exceed 12m/s, the ceramic fiber insulation blanket shall not be used as the hot surface layer; when the flow rate is greater than 12m/s but less than 24m/s, the hot surface layer shall be wet blanket or ceramic fiber insulation board Or ceramic fiber insulation module; when the flow rate exceeds 24m/s, the hot surface layer should be refractory castable or external insulation.
Next issue we will continue to introduce ceramic fiber insulation for heating furnace. Please stay tuned.

Post time: Jan-04-2022

Technical Consulting