Booth No.: 2027 Nako: Mphalane 15-17, 2019Heat Treat 2019, lenaneo la biennial le tsoang ho ASM Heat Therapy Society, le nkuoa e le Tonakholo, e ke keng ea fetoa ke ketsahalo ea litsebi tse phekolang mocheso Amerika Leboea. Seboka le pontšo ea selemo sena li tla ba le motsoako o khahlisang oa mahlale a macha, lipontšo, mananeo a tekheniki le liketsahalo tsa marang-rang tse lebisitseng indastering e phekolang mocheso.
Booth No: 112 Nako: Sep 12-13, 2019ALUMINUM USA ke ketsahalo ea indasteri e etellang pele bekeng e koahelang ketane eohle ea boleng ho tloha noka (ho rafa, ho qhibilihisa) ka tsela e bohareng (ho lahla, ho sesa, ho ntša metsi) ho ea tlase (ho phethela, ho qhekella). Lilemong tse ling le tse ling tse peli, ALUMINUM USA Week e fana ka foramo e etelletseng pele barekisi le litsebi tsa indasteri ho bokana bakeng sa likopano tsa sefahleho le sefahleho, lipontšo, kopano e khahlang le mananeo a thuto le menyetla ea marang-rang e thehiloeng ho theknoloji. ALUMINUM USA ke ketsahalo e loketseng basebelisi ba ho qetela ba tsoang liindastering tsa kopo tse kang likoloi, sebaka sa marulelo, kaho, ho paka le motlakase le elektroniki.
Booth No.: 10H04 Nako: Phuptjane 25-29, 2019Ho tloha ka la 25 ho isa la la 29 Phuptjane 2019 "Lefatše le Khanyang la Lisebelisoa" e ne e e-na le lethathamo le ikhethang la likopano tsa machabeng, li-symposium, liforamo le lipontšo tse ikhethang. Lipontšo tse 'ne tsa khoebo tsa GIFA, NEWCAST, METEC le THERMPROCESS li fane ka lenaneo la boleng bo holimo le shebaneng le theknoloji eohle ea metheo, litšepe, metallurgy le thermo process - ho kenyelletsa tlhahiso ea tlatsetso, litaba tsa metallurgic, mekhoa ea indasteri ea tšepe, likarolo tsa hajoale tsa thermo mokhoa oa mahlale kapa boqapi makaleng a matla le bokhoni ba lisebelisoa.
Booth No 7312 Nako: Pherekhong 12-14, 2018 Pontšo ea Sehopotso sa 50 sa Global Petroleum Show 2018 - Phuptjane 12-14 Ha mokatong oa lipontšo o ne o koahetsoe ke marang-rang, likopano le litšebelisano tsa khoebo Setsi sa Seminar ea Naha e ne e le ntlo e felletseng letsatsi le leng le le leng e tšohla menyetla ea machabeng linaheng: Argentina, Brazil, Brunei, Colombia, Europe, Gabon, Ghana, Israel, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, USA le Ukraine.
Booth No .: 94, Nako: Mphalane 10-14, 2017 Sebaka: PeruNakong ea pontšo, CCEWOOL e bontšitse ho kenya moaho le thepa ea bopaki ba mollo - boea ba lefika, kobo ea fiber ea ceramic, boto ea fiber ea ceramic, pampiri ea fiber ea ceramic, jj. Bareki ba bangata ba tsoang Amerika Boroa ba hoheloa ke lephephe la rona. Ba buile ka lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa, tsa kaho le tse ling tsa litsebi le Mong Rosen mme ba ts'epa ho theha tšebelisano 'moho ea nako e telele le CCEWOOL. Moreki oa lehae oa CCEWOOL Peru o ile a kopana le Rosen mme ba qoqa. Sena se matlafalitse setsoalle sa rona mme sa rala motheo o tiileng oa tšebelisano 'moho oa nako e tlang.
Booth No: 908 Nako: La 25-27 Mmesa, 2017Ceramics Expo 2017 e khutlela Setsing sa IX se Cleveland ka la 25-27 Mmesa ho bonts'a lintho tse ncha tsa morao-rao sechabeng sa ceramic. Ketsahalo ena ea mahala ea ho ea libokeng e fa ba tlileng kopanong menyetla ea ho sibolla le ho lekola mehloli ea lisebelisoa tse tala, lisebelisoa tsa ts'ebetso, le likarolo tse felileng nakong ea pontšo ha ba ntse ba ithuta ka mekhoa le tsoelo-pele ea mahlale nakong ea kopano ea lipina tse peli.
Booth No.: 10G27, Nako: 29 Pulungoana - 1 Tšitoe 2016 Sebaka: Messe Düsseldorf, JeremaneALUMINUM ke lenaneo le etelletseng pele la khoebo le B2B-platform bakeng sa indasteri ea aluminium le sebaka sa eona sa bohlokoa sa ts'ebeliso. Mona ho kopana le Who-is-who of the industry. E kopanya bahlahisi, bahlahisi, li-processor le bafani ba thepa hape le bareki ba ho qetela khoebong eohle ea phepelo, ho bolelang ho tloha ho lihlahisoa tse tala ho fihlela lihlahisoa tse qetiloeng ho fihlela li felile.
Nako: 20th Mphalane, 2016 Sebaka: Charlottetown, CanadaPontšong ena ea khoebo, ha re bonts'e feela lihlahisoa tsa letoto la ceramic tse sebelisoang haholo mefuteng eohle ea litanka le sebopi; Re boetse re bonts'a litene tsa rona tse sa sebetseng bakeng sa ho kenella leifo la setofo sa mollo, hape le mohopolo oa rona o mocha oa ho aha moaho.
Nako: 3 - 6 Mphalane 2016 Sebaka: Quebec City, Canada Komiti ea Machabeng ea Boithuto ba Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium (ICSOBA) ke mokhatlo o ikemetseng o sa etseng phaello o kopanyang litsebi tsa indasteri tse emelang lik'hamphani tse kholo tse hlahisang bauxite, alumina le aluminium, ba fanang ka theknoloji le lisebelisoa, liunivesithi, litsi tsa lipatlisiso le baeletsi ho tsoa lefats'eng ka bophara. .
Booth No.: B1-566, Nako: Mphalane 20 - Mphalane 23, 2015 Booth No.: A6-348, Nako: Mots'eanong oa la 22 le la 27 Mphalane 2012 Booth No.: A6-348, Nako: Mphalane 20th-Oct 23, 2009 Sebaka: New International Exhibition Center, Munich, Jeremane Ceramitec ke Lethathamo la khoebo la machabeng le etelletseng pele bakeng sa letsopa, letsopa la tekheniki le tšepe ea tšepe.
Booth No.: 10H43, Nako: La 28 Phuptjane-La 2 Pherekhong 2015 Booth No.: 10D66-04, Nako: La 28 Phuptjane-La 2 Pherekhong 2011 Sebaka: Messe Düsseldorf, JeremaneMetec e tšoaroa lilemo tse ling le tse ling tse 4. Pontšo e na le lihlooho tse 'ne, ho kenyeletsoa metheo ea tšepe, tšepe, ho phekola mocheso le ho betsa tšepe. Ho ea Metec ke monyetla o motle bakeng sa bahoeletsi ho ba le kutloisiso e akaretsang ea mahlale a tlhahiso le nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa metallurgy.
Booth No: E-80 Nako: La 25 Loetse-27 Loetse 2013 Sebaka: Setsi sa Lipontšo le Congress, Kielce, Poland.Tekano ea machabeng ea Theknoloji ea Motheo oa Metel Poland e ts'oaretsoeng Targi Kielce ke ketsahalo e kholo ka ho fetisisa e etselitsoeng boenjineri ba metheo Poland le e 'ngoe ea liketsahalo tse kholo ka ho fetesisa tsa mofuta ona Europe. Ke UFI e netefalitsoeng mme e ne e tšoaroa selemo se seng le se seng.
Booth No: M56 Nako: Hlakubele 18-Hlakubele. 21th, 2014 Sebaka: 39 Mosta convegno Expocomfort, Italy Pontšo ea Machabeng ea Theknoloji le Phepelo bakeng sa Liindasteri tsa Ceramic le Brick ke e 'ngoe ea lipontšo tse kholo ka ho fetisisa le tse felletseng bakeng sa indasteri ea tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa ceramic ebile e thabela botumo bo phahameng khoebong.
Booth No: 150 Nako: Mots'eanong oa 15th-Mots'eanong. 8, 2012 Sebaka: Atlanta, United States Of America AISTech e ts'oaroa ke mokhatlo oa Amerika oa tšepe selemo se seng le se seng mme ke pontšo ea litsebi ho fetisisa bakeng sa tšepe le tšepe mme ka nako e ts'oanang e le e 'ngoe ea lipontšo tse kholo ka ho fetisisa le tse tummeng khoebong ea indasteri.
Booth No: G23 Nako: la 11 Tšitoe-la 13 Phato 2012 Sebaka: Jakarta Expo International, Indonesia Indometal ke tsepamiso e akaretsang e hlokang leeme ho bokhoni ba synergistic ba mahlale a motheo, lihlahisoa tsa ho lahla, metallurgy le theknoloji ea ts'ebetso ea mocheso.
Booth No. 1E-63 Nako: la 13 Pulungoana - la 16 Pulungoana 2012 Sebaka: Setsi sa Lipontšo sa All-Russia Center, Moscow.RussiaMETAL Expo ha se feela ponts'o e kholo ka ho fetesisa ea metallurgic Russia empa hape ke e 'ngoe ea litlhaloso tse tsebahalang ka ho fetesisa tsa metallurgic lefatšeng. E ne e tšoaroa selemo le selemo